No affiliation here, it's just the schiznat!

If you’re looking for something that is above the normal run of the mill reporting, then you should check out TableTop dashboards and Reports. This salesforce app is offered by DreamFactory Software, Inc. and along the lines of their other products this one is just as good. The web 2.0 skin generates detailed dashboards and interactive date views. With the instant active links that are generated you can quickly jump to live reports for everyone that is part of your cloud.
A simple and easy to use report system offered by tabletop dashboards and Reports has fantastic filters allowing the user as much or a little information as they want. With a few clicks your reports are saved to web folders letting you build an archive and have on demand reporting for when you need it. Need to create high performance date cockpits for call centers or sales meetings, once again just a few clicks and all that information is there waiting for you.
Full control means you can customize as needed, great graphics means your reports stand out from the crowd. No more hunting around for what the sales numbers are on a given product. Easy to understand and easy to read make this dashboard reporting tool one of the best. No ID needed from outside users, so sharing reports is as easy as giving the link to them. A solid product at a great price, free and in the end you cannot beat that price. It is nice that for a change you are getting more than expected from a free program.
The folks at Dreamfactory have really stepped up their game with this. Use TableTop Dashboards and Reports as a stand alone or integrate it into other reporting systems. Customization is the key and this program really delivers the good. If you’re struggling with your current reporting system this program can not only save you money but time because in a matter of hours you can have it up in running. Once in place it was start generating data. Need to keep a weekly, monthly or quarterly report update date? No need to make new slides or edit the code, this program does it all for you. A few clicks has you up and running whatever reports you need.
A full library of pre-built reports is at your fingertips. Quickbook powered spreadsheets, share live reporting with your partners and create full 3D view charts of information all without the stress and worry found in many other programs. Need help, Dreamfactory stands by their products and between their online chat and toll free number getting the help you need is just as easy as well. From creating new folders or pages to customizing how you want a report to look, what information it needs to gather or anything even where you want to save it can be customized. The program does all the heavy lifting and the end user gets all the praise. Free is always good, but when free meets a great program then that is a winning combination, a combination that can be found with tabletop Dashboards and Reports.
A simple and easy to use report system offered by tabletop dashboards and Reports has fantastic filters allowing the user as much or a little information as they want. With a few clicks your reports are saved to web folders letting you build an archive and have on demand reporting for when you need it. Need to create high performance date cockpits for call centers or sales meetings, once again just a few clicks and all that information is there waiting for you.
Full control means you can customize as needed, great graphics means your reports stand out from the crowd. No more hunting around for what the sales numbers are on a given product. Easy to understand and easy to read make this dashboard reporting tool one of the best. No ID needed from outside users, so sharing reports is as easy as giving the link to them. A solid product at a great price, free and in the end you cannot beat that price. It is nice that for a change you are getting more than expected from a free program.
The folks at Dreamfactory have really stepped up their game with this. Use TableTop Dashboards and Reports as a stand alone or integrate it into other reporting systems. Customization is the key and this program really delivers the good. If you’re struggling with your current reporting system this program can not only save you money but time because in a matter of hours you can have it up in running. Once in place it was start generating data. Need to keep a weekly, monthly or quarterly report update date? No need to make new slides or edit the code, this program does it all for you. A few clicks has you up and running whatever reports you need.
A full library of pre-built reports is at your fingertips. Quickbook powered spreadsheets, share live reporting with your partners and create full 3D view charts of information all without the stress and worry found in many other programs. Need help, Dreamfactory stands by their products and between their online chat and toll free number getting the help you need is just as easy as well. From creating new folders or pages to customizing how you want a report to look, what information it needs to gather or anything even where you want to save it can be customized. The program does all the heavy lifting and the end user gets all the praise. Free is always good, but when free meets a great program then that is a winning combination, a combination that can be found with tabletop Dashboards and Reports.